Exploring Overland

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Field Journals and Sketching in Nature Workshop – London

Keeping a field notebook, also known as a nature journal, can both deepen our connections to the natural world and help us learn more about it. Neither science education nor art training is needed and this workshop will help you to develop the skills of a naturalist and a field sketch-artist.

This workshop will introduce the tools and processes of keeping a nature journal with facilitators Roseann Hanson, Alex Boon, Kirsten Carlson, and Ali Foxon.

The workshop will focus on the importance of field notes, the cognitive value of visual learning, and the social value of sharing.

The workshop will include:

  • The nuts and bolts of journal-keeping (metadata, archival systems, how to make entries that you can refer to later, prompts to jump-start observations, and tips on researching science questions sparked by your observations).

  • Easy tips that enable anyone to get started sketching.

  • Art in a nature journal is not only lovely to see, but an important component of your skillset because the very act of drawing and painting something from life involves incredibly intense observation. Your brain is wholly occupied by only that thing you are observing and drawing—it is a kind of meditation that results in new insights, deeper understanding, and discoveries.

  • Four skills sessions, one with each of the facilitators, each of whom is an experienced field sketching and art teacher who is passionate about sharing the benefits and joys of sketching in nature.

  • A copy of the booklet How to Start a Nature Journal; notebook; pencil; kneadable eraser; ruler; and a few other fun journaling resources.


    30 October 2024, 1.00pm-5.00pm

    Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR

    In-person, Member £48.00, Non-member £55.00

    Booking information 

    Book in advance > HERE <.

    Advance booking for this event is required. If you have any questions or require assistance with your booking, please email events@rgs.org