2024 New Mexico Field Arts Bootcamp Recap
Twenty-one field arts enthusiasts and naturalists joined us at the Ghost Ranch in northern New Mexico October 20-24 for a unique experience immersed in the magical landscapes, exploring nature, and sketching iconic views as well as plants, insects, animal tracks, and birds. We had some epic rain on the way in—but also several of the most brilliant rainbows we’ve ever seen—and while the rain created mud, it also kept the dust down and cleared the air, so the landscape colors were surreal. In the evenings we enjoyed spectacular views of comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS and early Orionid meteors, as well as a beautiful partial moon.
Our private Casa del Sol was just a quarter mile from artist Georgia O’keeffe’s original home (not open to the public) and overlooking her beloved Cerro Pedernal (see first page in journal, and images in the next gallery block). Her ashes are scattered on its mesa top.
Below are my journal pages from the Field Arts Bootcamp, as well as scenes from the field.

Pages by attendee Cindy R.