Field Arts Supplies

For naturalists, explorers, wanderers, artists

Field Arts Supplies & Tools

— For naturalists, explorers, wanderers, artists —

This is a selection of products from our main SHOP.

Visit there to view our Rite in the Rain and Field Notes Brand journals, pens, and pencils as well as books on overlanding and natural history.



ARE YOU IN TUCSON? Tohono Chul Park gift shop carries both my books, though bundle discounts are not available.


JUST RELEASED: LIMITED EDITIONS FOR CHRISTMAS OF FIELD ARTS TOOLS — Including some wonderful one-of-a-kind vintage items. > Click arrows below to see all, or go to the main Shop (here)


For details, click the title below for a written description.

Master of Field Arts
from $35.00
For details, click the title below for a written description. EXTRA BONUS! You will have access to private resources just for readers of my book, including a six-video court on Vimeo On Demand (demonstrating many of the skills and techniques in my b…

For details, click the title below for a written description. EXTRA BONUS! You will have access to private resources just for readers of my book, including a six-video course on Vimeo On Demand (demonstrating many of the skills and techniques in my book)—this is a $95 value you will get for free; a private Facebook group for beginner nature journalists; and an hour-long beginner’s video workshop with practice resources and plenty of encouragement to get you started! For a visual peek of the book take a look at John Muir Laws’ review below (click to jump to the review)

Nature Journaling
from $36.00
Field Journal Sketchbook Field Journal Sketchbook
Sold out
Quick View
Field Journal Sketchbook
Mini Plant Press
Limited Availability
Field Arts Discovery Kit
from $39.50
Minimalist Paint Tins - 2 sizes, with or without paint samples
from $14.00
The mini easel slips in the back of your journal, held in place by the pressure of the pages. Use an extra clip if desired.

The mini easel slips in the back of your journal, held in place by the pressure of the pages. Use an extra clip if desired.

Samples of Daniel Smith paints samples: Chrome Yellow,  Manganese Blue Hue, Quinacridone Rose, Burnt Sienna, Indanthrone Blue.

Samples of Daniel Smith paints samples: Chrome Yellow, Manganese Blue Hue, Quinacridone Rose, Burnt Sienna, Indanthrone Blue.

Learn to paint with a triad (yellow, cyan, magenta) plus burnt sienna and dark blue—you can create all the colors you need for journaling, including bright red, greens, purples, blacks, and grays.

Learn to paint with a triad (yellow, cyan, magenta) plus burnt sienna and dark blue—you can create all the colors you need for journaling, including bright red, greens, purples, blacks, and grays.


Minimalist Paint Kit – <Click to order — limited availability, subject to a 5 day extra delivery window as they are assembled on demand.

With clear perspex mini easel with magnet strip, Pentel waterbrush (large regular, or medium mini, depending on avail.), tiny spray bottle, microfiber rag, clip.

With clear perspex mini easel with magnet strip, Pentel waterbrush (large regular, or medium mini, depending on avail.), tiny spray bottle, microfiber rag, clip.

Wild Color - Making Paint and Ink from Nature
One time

Let's play in the dirt—and more! Learn to create paint and ink from soil and plants in over 4.5 hours of class instruction plus many resource downloads and links. Only $45 for lifetime access, including updates and a private online community of field arts enthusiasts just like you. [If you already have purchased these classes and missed the email update to this new access system, please email me and I'll send you an access code.]

Southern Arizona Nature Almanac
Limited Availability
Discovery Guide: The San Pedro River
Limited Availability

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