Around the World in 80 Rocks, Fossils, & Formations – No. 1 – North America (Part 1)

Recording is posted here: (you can find all recorded sessions for past “Around the World” workshops there)

We just spent two hours on our first Rocks, Fossils, & Formations session — what fun! So many interesting new natural history concepts and unique specimens and landforms to sketch.

Based on my series Around the World in 80 Trees (in which we spent a year traveling around the globe by region and sketching interesting, weird, iconic, or beautiful trees and tree-like plants), this is a new series based on geology—we are traveling the world and learn as much natural history as we can, plus master the art of quickly sketching rocks, fossils, and formations.

The recording is now available in my Nature Journal Academy.

No. 1: North America (Part 1)

What you’ll need: a multi-media sketchbook or an accordion style booklet (see below), pen and / or pencil for our base drawings, and then watercolor or colored pencil to quickly bring them to life.

TIP: For plants I used a strip of heavy watercolor paper folded into four squares to create an “accordion” booklet to record my trees (8 total, 4 on each side).

Prepwork: A map of North America taking in Alaska to Mexico will be handy to either copy or paste into your journal to mark the locales.

Length: 2 hours

Click here to view this and all past workshops!


Around the World in 80 Rocks, Fossils and Formations – No. 2 – North America Part 2 [FREE WORKSHOP]


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