The InDeflate changed my mind.
I have to be honest. When I first read about the InDeflate, it looked like a solution to a problem that didn’t exist.
There are plenty of deflators on the market, all of them a fraction of the size of this thing, which comprises an analog gauge, sliding dump valve, and coupler, complicated with a pair of long hoses ending in locking valve clips. The sales information made much of the fact that you could deflate—or, by hooking the unit up to an air source, inflate—two tires at once. Okay, cool—but is that really worth the extra complexity and bulk, not to mention the cost? At $170 the InDeflate is over three times the price of the ARB E-Z Tyre Deflator. A full set of four Coyote/Staun automatic deflators is $75. The only more expensive option is the CB Developments “mil-spec” automatic deflator, which will run you $200 per pair. (See here for an earlier review I did on deflators.)
Price aside, the InDeflate pouch was four times the size of the one my ARB E-Z Tyre Deflator came in. The E-Z Deflator rides in the glove box—no way is the InDeflate going in there. I can hide four Coyote automatic deflators in my fist. The ability to deflate (or inflate) two tires at once couldn’t possibly justify the downsides, could it? I was so dubious about the concept that the Indeflate kept sifting to the bottom of my review pile.
Well . . . I apologize to InDeflate, because after finally testing it I’ve changed my mind. Completely.
Here’s why. Pull the unit out of its pouch and either lay it on the ground or hang it from your tire rack in the back of the vehicle or the grille or bull bar in front by its included harness. Run a hose to a tire on each side and clip it to the valve, then return to the gauge.
Slide the valve up to deflate . . .
Notice something already? That’s right: You’re not kneeling in the dirt deflating one tire at a time as you would be with the E-Z Deflator; you’re standing comfortably upright. The gauge will read the current tire pressure—and, by the way, will equalize the pressure between the tires if it’s different. Now slide the dump valve up and listen to the whoosh of air released from both tires at once. Slide it down to stop deflation and check the pressure; once you’re at the desired pressure, decouple and swap vehicle ends. The deflation is not as fast per tire as is accomplished with the ARB E-Z Deflator, which removes and captures the valve core and really blasts air out—but I did a little timing test, comparing the time needed to air down two tires with the ARB and with the InDeflate. The InDeflate was virtually neck and neck, thanks both to its ease of operation as well as the fact that it’s deflating two tires at once. There’s no fiddling with the valve-core removal sequence as with the ARB. (The manual of arms on the E-Z Deflator is complex enough that it usually takes a new user three or four tries to get it down. Mastering the InDeflate is a matter of ten seconds: clip, clip, deflate.)
. . . down to stop.
Another thing occurred to me during this part of the trial: I’ve always been just a little apprehensive about constantly removing and replacing the valve cores on my tires in order to air down. It’s a teeny tiny little absolutely critical piece, after all. Have I ever damaged or lost one? Not so far, but I do think about it, and I always carry spares (a good idea anyway). Coaching a new E-Z user on just how much to tighten when re-inserting the valve core is always a bit fraught. “Snug but not tight” is wide open to interpretation. No need for concern with the InDeflate.
The InDeflate also proved quicker overall than my four Coyote/Staun deflators. The advantage to the Coyote deflators is that you simply screw them on to each valve, then enjoy your coffee or conversation or birdwatching while the deflators hiss and chatter away down to their preset pressure. However, they are fairly slow, and of course are set to a single pressure—changing it requires a time-consuming procedure. If you’re like me, you don’t always air down to the same value for all conditions—soft sand requires considerably lower pressure than a rocky trail or just a washboarded dirt road. When I carried Coyote deflators as my main tool in my FJ40, I set two of them to 27 PSI, two of them to 18 PSI, and just used a pair at a time to arrive at the appropriate pressure, which obviously slowed down the procedure. The InDeflate, as with the ARB E-Z, allows tuning to an infinite number of values.
I noticed during all my experiments that the InDeflate’s clip-on chucks are noticeably better than any I’ve ever used on numerous compressors and gauges. Normally I have about a 60-70-percent probability of achieving a tight seal on the tire’s valve with clip-on chucks; by contrast the InDeflate locked on every single time. Of course this is critical to the nature of the tool, since you won’t be kneeling at each tire to re-attach a leaking clip or simply hold it on manually, but it was surprising nonetheless. Why do other makers have such a difficult time designing one that works?
When it’s time to air up, the InDeflate really jumps into the lead, since every compressor on the market is configured to inflate one tire at a time. Whatever model you own, connecting the chuck to the fitting on the InDeflate allows you to inflate two tires at once, to precisely the same pressure. Clearly, filling two tires at the same time slows down the compressor somewhat, but not enough to overcome the time lost moving around to each tire individually. And, again, it’s all accomplished standing up comfortably rather than squatting by each tire.
The InDeflate has other, at least theoretical, functions. You can use it to bleed off air from one tire into another that is under-inflated. If for some reason you found yourself in the field with a low tire, a flat spare, and no compressor, you could scavenge a little air from the three full tires to reach home or a service station. Unlikely, perhaps, but possible.
Hanger is a nice addition, but the hook needs to be bigger.
InDeflate offers a four-hose model as well; however, on no vehicle I’ve ever owned have I inflated front and rear tires to the same pressure, whether on the street or trail. So I’d recommend the standard two-hose unit. Incidentally, if you happen to own the superb ARB Twin portable compressor kit, the (two-hose) InDeflate will just fit in the case with some careful arranging of the compressor’s power cables.
I don’t recall another product about which I had such low expectations, and which subsequently changed my mind completely. Don’t misunderstand me: There is absolutely nothing wrong with the ARB E-Z deflator or the Coyote deflators, especially considering the price difference. Or, for that matter, the tip of the small blade on a Swiss Army knife, if you’re willing to be on your knees for ten minutes. But I believe anything that encourages proper airing down—which optimizes traction, reduces stress on the vehicle and damage to the trail, and increases comfort for the vehicle occupants—is worth the expense. The InDeflate makes airing down a breeze, and it’s now my standard tool for the job.
The InDeflate is manufactured in South Africa, and sold here by Adventure Imports.