Eric Sloane, 1950
Inspired by and in collaboration with Journaling with Nature’s Bethan Burton, this is our own informal “Skyscapito Appreciation Society!” A “skyscapito” is a small skyscape we create in our nature journals, similar to the “little landscapes” John Muir Laws loves to create.
Join me (Roseann Hanson, of the Field Arts Institute), Bethan, and Deborah Conn as we host an hour (or a little more, if needed) of sharing our sky passions.
THIS IS NOT A WORKSHOP! It's a casual meetup of like-minded sky aficionados, nature journalers, and field sketchers.
This session let’s all create a skyscapito (or a series) on the same day and share them!
When to do our same-day sketches: One week before our Zoom meeting — that’s April 27.
So wherever you are in the world create at least one skyscapito (or maybe one in the morning and one in the evening) on April 27.
FREE but registration is required, for security reasons. SIGN UP HERE
WHEN WE MEET: Thursday, May 5 at 3 pm Arizona USA time (same as Pacific right now)
LENGTH: About an hour
Please use a timezone converter app to make sure you have the right time!