Join Roseann online for the Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill's spring workshop series: SEEING MATH IN NATURE!
Over sixty years ago mathematician and Enigma code-breaker Alan Turing came up with a theory for how patterns in nature such as leopard spots, zebra stripes, and honeycombs can be explained by mathematics—a theory that was proven in 2014. Mathematics professors Kathy Stoehr and Janet Liston will lead this fun workshop about the mathematics of pattern-forming and introduce us to tessellataions. They will delve into the math of these patterns, as seen on jaguars, in honeycombs, and some plants—and we'll have hands-on break-out sessions to practice making tessellation patterns. You will come away with a new understanding of the wonders of pattern-development in nature.
Length: 2 hours
Time: 10 am – noon (Arizona/Phoenix time)
Cost: $45 each or $170 for all four workshops (see below)
Student discounts (50%) are available; please email Roseann with details of your school enrollment.
Register here: