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Field Arts Workshop: Making Lake Pigments from Plants

Lake pigments are the holy grail for natural pigment hunters: how to take an ephemeral thing such as a flower, leaf, or fruit, and turn it into a pigment that can become a paint that lasts nearly indefinitely?

Join me on this fascinating journey into science and art, where we make liquid dye from leaves or berries, and then extract the dye by binding the color to salt that we can then grind to a powder and mull with gum arabic to create watercolor.

This is a challenging skill and we’ll dive deeply into all the science behind it so we come away with the knowledge and confidence to do more experimentation and create truly “feral watercolors.”

I offer an optional lake pigment kit if you want to “lake” along.

Length: 2.5 hours

Start time: 10 am Mountain time / 9 am Pacific time / GMT - 7

(Having trouble figuring out time zones?Use this calculator:

Format: online via Zoom (you will receive a log-in link)

Cost: $45 Includes unlimited access to workshop recording and resources page.

Access: Registration and payment required. Please use this link HERE.

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