

Field Arts Workshops

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Filtering by: “Tumamoc Art & Science”


Ochre - Earth Makes Art - May 7

I will be hosting four unique art and science workshops this Spring 2022 for the Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill, where I am art and science program coordinator.

The pigment ochre is often cited as the earliest form of human art and symbolism, but there’s more to it: ochre shows how our brains were developing, and that we were using our environment through early chemistry to create paints. It is the bridge between science and art. We will learn the science of ochre pigments and look at our earliest history as artists, including in the Tucson basin, then we will create our own ochre paint from local soil, and paint beautiful images—I’m teaching this one!

ATTENDANCE: Workshop is online via Zoom; by March we may be able to add an in-person option.

TIME: 10 am to noon Arizona time, Saturday, May 7

COST: $45 (with student discounts available)

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Awash in Yellow - Palo Verdes - Apr 16

I will be hosting four unique art and science workshops this Spring 2022 for the Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill, where I am art and science program coordinator.

April is Uam Mașad in the Tohono O'odham language, meaning “Yellow Moon.” And for good reason: the valleys and foothills are blanketed in the blossoms of three species of Parkinsonia, or Palo Verde trees. Join for a workshop exploring poetry writing, O’odham history and place.

ATTENDANCE: Workshop is online via Zoom; by March we may be able to add an in-person option.

TIME: 10 am to noon Arizona time, Saturday, April 16

COST: $45 (with student discounts available)

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Purple Flashdance: Iridescence - Mar 19

I will be hosting four unique art and science workshops this Spring 2022 for the Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill, where I am art and science program coordinator.

Learn the science behind iridescence and its ecological history and learn to paint the iridescent purple gorget of the Costa’s hummingbird using watercolor (I’ll be teaching this one!).

ATTENDANCE: Workshop is online via Zoom; by March we may be able to add an in-person option.

TIME: 10 am to noon Arizona time, Saturday, March 19

COST: $45 (with student discounts available)

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Seeing Red: Evolution of Tubular Flowers - Feb. 12

I will be hosting four unique art and science workshops this Spring 2022 for the Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill, where I am art and science program coordinator.

Why did tubular flowers evolve, and how does flower color and shape influence pollination?

Join us on Darwin’s birthday February 12 as we explore this fascinating relationship, and then master drawing realistic perspective of tubular flowers and the detail of their reproductive mechanisms.

ATTENDANCE: Workshop is online via Zoom; by March we may be able to add an in-person option.

TIME: 10 am to noon Arizona time, Saturday, February 12

COST: $45 (with student discounts available)

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